Are you a graduate considering a career change? 🤔 Are you feeling stuck in your current role and want to make a move? 🤷‍♀️ If so, you’ve come to the right place! 🎉

At, we understand how overwhelming a career change can be, so we’ve put together 11 effective ways to help you get started. 🙌 

1. Connecting with your Network:

Making connections is one of the best ways to get the ball rolling on your career change. Reach out to current and former colleagues, family and friends, and take advantage of professional networking events. Who knows – one of your connections could be the key to getting your foot in the door at your dream job. 🤝 

2. Use Social Media:

Social media is a great way to stay connected to industry professionals and up-to-date with the latest trends. Make sure you create accounts on popular platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and use them to network and build relationships with potential employers.

3. Rebrand:

Take a look at your online presence, and make sure it’s up to date and reflects the image you want to portray. Update your LinkedIn profile, create a professional website, and make sure you’re actively engaging on social media. 💻 

4. Upskill and Unlearn:

Do some research into the skills and qualifications you need to pursue your desired career. Are there any courses or qualifications you can take to get you closer to your goal?

5. Make a robust Action Plan:

Make a list of realistic goals and steps you need to take to get you to where you want to be. This is your roadmap, so be sure to include deadlines for each goal. 🗓 

6. Research Potential Careers:

Spend some time researching the career you’re interested in. What skills do you need to succeed in this role? What kind of experience and qualifications do employers typically look for? 🔎 

7. Find a mentor: Find someone experienced in the field you’re looking to get into. Ask questions, get advice, and learn from their mistakes. A mentor can be an invaluable asset to help guide you on your journey. 💌 

8. Get organized:

Create a filing system to help you keep track of all the information you’ll need to apply for jobs, such as resumes, certificates and letters of recommendation. 🗃 

9. Take a break:

Career changes can be daunting and exhausting, so don’t forget to take breaks along the way. Give yourself time to relax, practice self-care and decompress. 🛀 

10. Stay positive:

It can be easy to get bogged down in the stress and pressure of changing careers, so don’t forget to stay optimistic and focus on the progress you’re making. 🤗 

11. Ask for help:

If you ever feel stuck or overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to professionals in the field, family and friends for advice, or seek professional counselling if you need it. 💬

Following these 11 effective steps can help you plan a successful career change. With the right attitude and approach, you can make your career change dreams a reality. 🎉 Best of luck from the team at! 🙌